Slightly changed the distribution format of public betas. From now on, public betas will not contain updated german catalogs (or any catalogs at all). Only .cd files will be included. Updated catalogs will be made available through the website at a later date. 31.07.2000 public beta ====================== * Filetypes list wasn't cleared when loading a new config file. * IF the settingswindow was open and new settings were loaded from the menu, the new settings weren't reflected in the GUI. Fixed. * The general transfer-end event was played after every transfer and not only at the end of all transfers. Fixed. * There was no support for shortcuts in most of the string-gadgets and all cycle-gadgets in the main-settings. Fixed. [Pascal Chiozzi] * When entering a non existing volume name for the local directory, a dos-requester opened but you still could quit the trader and make the requester useless. Fixed. [Jools Smyth] * Fixed a bug which have caused weird chars after the TYPE command. [Tomek Këcki/Terry "mafutha" Fry] + If a username and/or password is left empty for a serverentry when connecting, a window now pops up asking for the missing username/password. [Guno Heitman] - Attention! ATC uses from now on NListtree.mcc V18.2. Due to some incompatibilities (tags have different values, hooks are getting other arguments) of the original Listtree.mcc and the new NListtree.mcc, I've made a clean cut and dropped support of Listtree.mcc completely. There's also no need for the patched Listtree.mcc anymore. V18.2 of NListtree.mcc is available at Carsten Schollings Homepage. Homepage: Direct download link: - When setting the cps limit while down/uploading, the transfer won't stop any longer until the average cps is equal or lower to the limit. [Stefan Mertens] 08.07.2000 public beta ====================== * Application title for the trader was empty (e.g. in Exchange), because of the appicon changes. Fixed. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Doubleclicking the "connect" button now only causes one connection. [Terry "mafutha" Fry] * Deiconification of the trader didn't work in every case in the last beta. Hopefully Fixed. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] * Fixed a bug which prevented some connections to appear in the new current connections list. * Sounds for batchuploadend and batchdownloadend weren't played. [Armin Hübner] + Added a general transfer-end event. This event is played/invoked everytime a batch or normal transfer ends, but only if it was the last transfer. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] - Completely changed the internal download handling. No more message passing of buffers to the trader which then have handled these buffers makes the download less complicated and seems to consume less CPU time with a slightly better CPS :). + The "show status of the trader in appicon-text" feature can now be switched off because of problems with the iconrefresh and mouseclicks in OS3.5 (I was told). (-> Main-Settings/General) [Frank Meyer-Pfauder] + Filetypes: It's now possible to specify if the temporary file should be deleted after the viewer has quitted (should be set to 'Yes'). (-> Main-Settings/Filetypes) [Andreas Mixich] + The filename of the ftp logfile can now be selected through an asl-requester. (-> ftp-loglist/context-menu) + Current directory of the trader now is also displayed in the current connections list. - Strings for the current connections list now are localized. + The ftp-log also displays the time for each line in the listview now. 30.06.2000 public beta ====================== * Two strings in were missing and some texts had a false contents (e.g. "show hidden files" in the menu) - Changed the new title in the server manager. Now the whole title serves as the button for switching on/off the serveredit group. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - The new title in the server manager now remains on top after switching to the currenttransfer page. [David Erman] + The status of the serveredit group is now saved (minimized/expanded). [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Hidden files are now always listed when recursivly downloading or deleting. [Stefan Glükler] * Fixed a lot of bugs in recursive deletion of remote directories. [Stefan Glükler] * Fixed a bug in the directory caching system. The cache wasn't refreshed after a forced reread (caused by the trader) of the directory. [Stefan Glükler] * "files to go" gauge wasn't updated as it was supposed to when uploading files. Fixed. + When downloading empty directories, ATC will now also create them locally. [Stefan Glükler] - Changed the appicon stuff for the trader. Now the trader only uses pure mui (with a trick) for the appicon stuff and no self made appicon routines. This fixes of course the double icon problem with Magellan and enforcer-hits when the appicon wasn't found. - Now uses a checkmark for the ADT-Filter option (ADT-GUI) instead of the togglebutton. [Armin Hübner] + Added a current connections list to the second page of the servermanager (current transfers). Haven't localized any of the strings, because the list isn't finished yet. [David Erman] 23.06.2000 public beta ====================== - The last selected tab in the main-settings will now be remebered and activated if the settings are opened again. - Set the default path and filename for the import mime-prefs requester to env:mime.prefs. [Pascal Chiozzi] + Added something and a button to the top of the servermanager-window. * After a disconnect the delete, rename and dirscan windows are now closed if the disconnect happened while renaming, deleting or scanning files. [Pascal Chiozzi] + It's now possible to switch the ADT-Filter on or off from the ADT-GUI. So if you for example search the aminet for a file and want to see all found entries, simply switch the filter off and you will see all files. [Armin Hübner] * Removed a bug in adt.pmcc which could have caused some problems. There was a random value passed to the construct hook when adding the datebars and if this value wasn't 0 the class could have done strange things to the list. * If a trader ends, some values of the serverentry struct (which is shared between the trader and ATC) are now set back to zero by ATC itself instead of the trader. This seems to fix the problems with a frozen trader. [Corsake/MaGiC] - Removed some debug output. 19.06.2000 public beta ====================== - "Switches"-group in the mainsettings is now vertically centered. [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] - Changed MUIA_HorizWeight attribute of times in the queue to prevent cutting off the last numbers if the window got to small. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] + Added import option for MIME-Prefs config files to the filetypes. (-> Main-Settings/Filetypes) [Pascal Chiozzi] * Auto-Reconnect feature didn't work because of a stupid bug I had introduced last seconds before releasing beta 12.06.2000. :( [Ingo Musquinier] * Loading profiles now won't delete the profiles_data of the original loaded profiles. [Ingo Musquinier] * When reading profiles with version 4, ATC tried to create a profiles_data directory for each server without building the name of the directory internally. + It's now possible to specify the port for the proxyserver. * Event for trader-end was not played because of a little stupid bug. [Ingo Musquinier] * Event for batchdownload start was invoked 2 times if "edit batch before d/l" was enabled. [Ingo Musquinier] + Added context-menus to the dirlists. The last menuitem doesn't work yet. + Added recursive deletion of remote directories. [several people] 15.06.2000 public beta ====================== * Fixed english menu strings. [Pascal Chiozzi/Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Added some Strings to which were missing. [Pascal Chiozzi] - Added a default checkmark for "Single Lister Mode". (-> Main-Settings/Server/General/Switches/Preset for "Add Server") [Pascal Chiozzi] * After converting the profiles to version 4 there was a lock left on the last .batchentries file created. Fixed. [Ingo Musquinier] + In ADT-Filter it's now possible to activate/deactivate whole groups. Simply select the group-header and press activate or deactivate. (-> Main-Settings/ADT/ADT Filter) [Armin Hübner] * Internal config flags have overwritten the first bits of the flags if an option was set which was larger than 32 (Drawers first, usebars, requester flags). It is possible that some switches of your config are now switched off, so please check your config. + It's now possible to rename all selected files (local and remote) without clicking the rename button again and again (and without reloading of the directory of course). [Jools Smyth] * If the transfered bytes of a profiles entry (statistics) were larger than 32bit they were shown (and saved) as 0. Fixed. [Martyn Capewell/Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] * "Add"-button in ADT-mode was not ghosted if not connected. Fixed. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Changed the positions of times in the transfer page. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] 12.06.2000 public beta ====================== - If a transfer is completed the same day it was started, the date won't be shown any longer in the expected end times. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] * The time in "Expected Time" and "Remaining Time" in the download queue wasn't shown. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] * The transfermode of the filetypes wasn't read in correctly, so it was always set to 'Ascii' for the filetype (please check your filetypes!). - Now the dirlists in FTP-mode have the same height (if in dual lister mode) to make it easier to compare the contents of the two dirs. [Armin Hübner] * The first and last login was not updated in the statistics. Fixed. [Michael Lünse] + If a server disconnects the trader during a download, it now saves the current transfer and the contents of the download-queue to the download batch. * Support for hidden files should now work as expected. Changed "Use Hide" to "Show hidden files". "." and ".." directories are still filtered. [Stefan Glükler] + Added Auto-Reconnect feature. If a server closes the connection and the appropriate switch is set, ATC will now try to reestablish the connection. (-> Main-Settings/General/Switches/Auto Reconnect) [several people] - Doubleclicking a connected serverentry now causes a second connection to the server instead of a window-to-front for the connected trader. [Ingo Musquinier] - Added updated installerscript which also copies the if "first install" is selected. [Ingo Musquinier] - The batchentries and the dirlist-history of the remotedirlist for each serverentry are no longer saved in the #?.profiles file but in their own files. Each serverentry has now its own directory in PROGDIR:profiles_data where the batch- and dirlist-datas are saved. This has the advantage, that the servermanager don't need to hold unnecessary data and saves (depending on the amount of batchentries and directories) a lot of memory. The .profiles file will be converted on the fly (if the version is lower than 4) therefore the first start of this beta could take some seconds. 08.06.2000 public beta ====================== * "Add to batch" function in ADT mode was broken. (changes re 07.06.2000 -> "Hopefully this causes no other problems I haven't thought of.") [Christian Aichinger] 07.06.2000 public beta ====================== - Added missing to the archive. Without this icon, there was no appicon displayed for the trader if iconified. [Ingo Musquinier] + Added some requesters to the trader for certain situations like "could not connect", "no new files since last login (ADT)" and so on. To activate the requesters have a look at -> "main-settings/switches/Open requester" [Armin Hübner] - Changed the internal dirlist structure from dynamic mem allocation to static arrays (used by the dirlists and the batchlist), which should speed up reading large directory a bit (and consumes more memory). Hopefully this causes no other problems I haven't thought of. + Column bars now also can be switched on/off for queue and the batch lists. (-> Main-Settings/Colors/Dirlist-Colors/) [Marcin Juszkiewicz] * Copying a server not residing in the rootlist caused always a Co_1_. - Removed the Virtual/Scroll groups from the Trader. Sorry small-screen users. - Had to change the menu shortcut sheme of the catalogs. Now uses SHORTCUT|menutext instead of an underline before the shortcutkey. [Vit Sindlar] * If the transferpage was set to simple displaymode via the menu, the appicon of the trader appeared on the workbench. - Changed the button layout of the dirlists. Now the buttons are displayed in two rows instead of one as before. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer] - Changed the layout of the queue group. "Files to go" is now displayed beside the "transfered bytes" gauge. The times that were beside the queue list are now displayed above the queue list. + Added MUIA_VertDisappear levels to the queue-list, the comment display in the transferpage and to the freediskspace group on top of the transfer page. - Removed the scale-object which was below the transfer gauge. * The rename window always opened up if one was trying to download a linked file which was not lying in the root directory. [Pascal Chiozzi] + Added a filetypes system. Using this system it's now possible to specify a viewer and the transfermode for all kinds of files. (-> Main-Settings/Filetypes) [Patrick Beerhorst] - Removed the context-menu from the 'send'-button due to the new filetypes system. + Added support for hidden files. If the appropriate switch ("Use Hide") is set for the serverentry, filenames beginning with a dot "." on the remotesite are marked internal as being hidden and the dot from the filename is removed. [Stefan Glükler] + Added events for ATC start, ATC end, trader start and trader end. [Christoph Gutjahr] 01.06.2000 public beta ====================== + Update frequency of the transfer-page and the download queue can now be set in the prefs. (-> Main-Settings/Transfer/General/Update...) [David Erman] + It's now possible to change the transfermode for uploads (BINARY or ASCII) by rightclicking the 'send'-button (context-menu). [Thomas Graf] * Fixed a bug in the new "files to go"-gauge. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer/Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] 30.05.2000 internal beta ======================== * FTP QUIT command was not send since v1.1 final. Fixed. + Added HIDE and STARTUPSITE as commandline args and tooltypes. [David Erman] + If iconified, the trader now displays its status in the appicon-text. [David Erman] * Local directory was read in but not displayed in the local dirlist on trader-startup because of a (seemingly) not-working-everytime MUIM_Application_PushMethod. * Local directory was read in twice in ADT mode on trader-startup (first on startup and then after the download of the recent file). - "Files to go" indicator in the transfer queue now uses a gauge to show how many files are downloaded. + The trader now uses a virtual/scroll-group combination for the listviews and the transfer-page to also work on small screens. Please let me know, if this "feature" is more annoying than useful. 27.05.2000 V1.2 final Release ============================= - Doubleclicking a running but not connected server now connects the server instead of making a copy of it and connecting this copy. - A random string was shown in error-requesters if a lib or something else couldn't be opened/was not found. [Markus Lunk] - Added all register groups to the cycle chain (TAB cycling). [Markus Lunk] - Added experimental proxy support. Thanks to Linus McCabe for his explainations on how to implement proxy support. [Linus McCabe] - Filerequester structure for the profiles-requester was not freed at the end of the program. - Now uses asl.library instead of reqtools.library for file requesters. [Markus Lunk] 18.05.2000 V1.2 PreRelease 2 ============================ - Fixed some typos and inconsistencies in the english catalog descriptions. Thanks to David Erman for his efforts. - Added swedish catalogs and catalog translations by David Erman. - Batchsize is recalculated if one is downloading files with an unknown filesize (e.g. Aminet Charts readme's) [Ingo Musquinier] - ProFTPD 1.2.0pre6 is sending a non-common filesize when resuming a download. Added a check for this. [Sascha Glade] - Updated both german and english documentation to represent the last state of development. - Installerscript now also supports swedish. [updated by Ingo Musquinier, translation by David Erman] - Fixed a bug in the current transfer list which prevented ATC to calculate the time and the finished time correctly. - The different texts in the transferpage and the gauge now only gets updated if the corresponding value has changed. Should be more efficient now. - The checkmarks in the prefs now also support shortcuts. [Pascal Chiozzi] - The ADT-Flags for every server were not taken from these serverentries when the profiles were saved but instead from the active serverentry. [Magnus Bouvin/Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Removed a bug that caused enforcerhits when connecting to a server and a specific message from the ServerManager appeared before the HEREIAM-message from the trader. - Connecting to an ADT-Server, changing the ADT-new date, disconnecting and reconnecting again caused the date slider to be immoveable. Fixed. - Now the transfer gauge is also be updated if one is downloading with high bandwidth and a relative slow cpu. [David Erman] - The freediskspace-gauge now gets updated everytime the transfer page is updated. (before it was updated everytime a buffer was written to disk) [David Erman] 06/09.05.2000 V1.1 final Release a.k.a PreRelease8 ================================================== - Improved check for ram:/ram disk:. Thanks to Roland "Ronni" Hopfer for providing example code and useful hints. - FTP TYPE command won't be send any longer if the type doesn't change. - Changed the way the ftp.lib checks the result of ABOR command and EOT. Should be more compatible now. - Serverlist was ghosted if the first entry of a .profile file was a list and marked as the active server. (very strange, dunno why it happened. Just set MUIA_Listtree_Quiet, FALSE below MUIA_Listtree_Active and now it seems to work without any problem) [Jeff German/Jeff Klein/Magnus Bouvin/Pascal Chiozzi/Luca Longone] - When changing the mode of a disconnected but running serverentry and then connecting this server, the GUI was not changed to the new mode. - Moved the ADT switches (dl readmes, keep dirtree..) to the "Server" group in the main prefs, because they serve as server defaults since PreRelease3. - Fixed a little bug that prevented ATC to set the active server if one were using the non-patched listtree.mcc. - If one adds a server to a closed group, the group is now opened before the new entry is added. 30.04.2000 V1.1 PreRelease 7 ============================ - Changed some german help bubble texts. - Moved the popup-window from "more" button (visible if server was set to ADT-mode) to an own tab. - The queuesize wasn't calculated correctly after removing entries from the queue. [Linus McCabe] - Credits in the about window were cut off on the right side on some configurations. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] - Seconds only were calculated for "Finished"-time in current transfer list (ServerManager) and resulted in something like 195:43:32 for the time. Fixed. - Removed a bug in poslist stuff (remembering and selecting of entries in already visited directories) that caused enforcerhits and lockups in rare situations. - If ATC was started from "Ram Disk:" no Trader could be started because of the space in the volume name. Fixed. [Denis Zwornarz] - The "not enough free diskspace"-requester won't be opened any longer if the download directory is "ram:" or "ram disk:" [Oliver Förster] - Serverlist in ServerManager is now the default/active object for the window and receives keyboard input by default. So there's no need to cycle through all the objects to use the keyboard to control the listview. [Georges Goncalves] - Listviews for ADT or remote directory list are now made the active objects for the trader window. [Georges Goncalves] - Directorycache for servers with the same comment/port were using the same directory for caching. Fixed. [Georges Goncalves] - Batchentries now consuming 5 times less memory than before. - Localized sliderclass strings. [Pascal Chiozzi] 20.04.2000 V1.1 PreRelease 6 ============================ - The searchstring in ADT-search mode was not ghosted if the server was disconnected while receiving search results. - If "Suppress ADT login messages" was switched on, no server messages were shown anymore in ADT mode. [Ingo Musquinier] - The ServerManager now is no longer iconified if the "auto close" switch is enabled and a trader tries to reconnect/redial a server. [Ingo Musquinier] - After copying a server the "bytes received" and "bytes sent" statistics of the original were set to zero but not of the copy. - Logins weren't set to zero after copying a server. - Connecting a server, making a copy of it and then quitting the connected server caused enforcerhits and a forever waiting trader-task. Fixed. 09.04.2000 V1.1 PreRelease 5 ============================ - If autosave was set to off, the according internal timer was set to 0 seconds and 0 micros. This caused the timer to immediately send a signal to the program, everytime the timer was started again and the program consumed nearly all CPU time. [Thomas Heinrich/Oliver Förster and numerous others] - Changed the way remote files are deleted. Now the Trader waits until it gets a response from the server before it sends the next delete command. - Removed a testfunction from the "Parse URL"-button (ATC was iconified after pressing the button). [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] 03.04.2000 V1.1 PreRelease 4 bugfix =================================== - The ServerManager was not closed immediately after quitting the application (could take several seconds). - Fixed a bug in the catalogs. Some texts were shown in english in the german locale. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer] 02.04.2000 V1.1 PreRelease 4 ============================ - If you're using the standard string class provided by MUI, the password for a server was not displayed hidden in l/p mode. [Erik Inge Bolsĝ] - Pressing the ADT search abort-button while seemingly no data is transfered aborts the search immediately and not only if new data arrives. - Optimized the Trader code a bit. Should also have a slightly smaller memory footprint now. - Trader: Removed an enforcer hit when saving/using the prefs from the settings-window. (changes re 23.03.2000 buffersize) - AmFTP2ATC.rexx profiles converter now works correctly. [No Frills] - Queue gauge wasn't shown if "edit queue before transfer" was activated. It was only displayed after you hit the "start download" button. - Renumbering of the copy function only worked if an already copied entry was copied again. E.g. copying Co1_Bla worked and resulted in Co2_Bla but copying Bla always resulted in Co1_Bla. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Added a set of New Icons and an extended installer-script to support New Icons and catalogs selection. [Marcin Juszkiewicz/Ingo Musquinier] - Increased max. searchresults for ADT search to 5000. [Ingo Musquinier] - Added autosave for profiles. (-> Menu/Profiles/Autosave, Menu/Profiles/Autosave time) [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Batchlist in ADT mode wasn't opened if it contained some files after login and the appropriate switch was enabled in the settings (in fact it was opened, but at a time where the group where the popup belongs to was not visible) [Ingo Musquinier] - Copies that were created by pressing the connect button of an already connected server are now removed after you disconnect the server. These profiles also won't be saved. - Wrote an replacement e-class for the afc ciatimer e-class since it doesn't seem to free all resources (I suppose no AbortIO()/WaitIO(), because there were still messages waiting after the class internal DeletePort() as per PatchWork) - "edit queue before transfer" had no effect after disconnecting a server where a batch-download was running and reconnecting to the server and starting another batch-download. - Fixed a longstanding bug that occured if you switched off PASV for a server while you were still online (PORT command always failed). [Michaela Prüß] 23.03.2000 V1.1 PreRelease3 =========================== - It's now possible to change the size of the diskbuffer for downloads. (-> Settings/Transfer/Download & Batch) [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] - PageGroup containing free diskspace and low cps warning (trader download page) was not set back after a low cps warning. - Fixed a spelling error in "trasfer" ;) window. [David Erman] - Some ADT specific settings (keep dirtree, get readmes etc.) can now be set for every server-entry. These settings can be reached by pressing the "more"-button if a server is set to ADT mode. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Uploads are now also shown in the current transfer list (ServerManager). [David Erman] - Send-button now gets disabled while the remote directory is being read in. - Fixed another spelling error in english catalogs. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Trader window won't be activated any longer if an error like "could not connect" occured. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Added a new option to "show FTP-Log". It's now possible to select whether the log should be shown never, always or only switched off during batch-transfers. (-> Settings/Switches/Show FTP-Log) [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Expected End, Start Time, Current Time and Expected End (queue) in the transfer window also shows the day and the month additionally to the time now. - If a download took longer than 24 hours, the time was not correctly calculated (i.e 25 hours 14 mins was shown as 01:14). Fixed. [Timm Rutland] - Aminet MOTD now will be only shown after login if the date of the file is newer as the last viewed. Showing the MOTD can take a little longer than before, because ATC has to list the remote directory to get the filedate of the MOTD. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Downloads are now opened in shared mode, means you can view the contents of the files while being downloaded. [BKJ] - Added shortcuts to MUI_RequestA()-requesters. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - If you pressed the reload- or parent-button repeatedly (before it got ghosted) the directory contents were shown multiple times. Fixed. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] - Added abort-button to ADT-Search. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] 18.03.2000 V1.1 PreRelease2 =========================== - Removed a really bad memory leak in ftp.eclass. The END methods of the internal adt, ftp and smtp e-classes were not called due to a missing PTR TO object in the wrapped end() func for these classes in the library. [Armin Hübner/Jeff German] - The right-to-left scrolltext in the about window now stops, if the window gets deactivated. [Ingo Musquinier] - If the ADT list has been sorted by directory, it was not properly sorted in rare situations. Fixed. [Ingo Musquinier] - Have localized a german text in the trader, which crept in there somehow. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - CPS-Limit and Drop-CPS can now be set to 500.000 max. First 20k in steps of 100, from 20k to 500k in steps of 2500. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Changed again some shortcuts in the ServerManager and the Trader. [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Added option to show drawers always first when sorting directory lists. (-> Settings/Misc/Switches/) [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Column bars now can be switched on/off for directory lists. (-> Settings/Colors/Dirlist-Colors/) [Marcin Juszkiewicz] - Removed a problem with socketbase after closing bsdsocket.library which caused enforcer hits/software failures in some situations (changes re 27.02.2000) 16.03.2000 V1.1 PreRelease1 =========================== 14.03.2000 internal =================== - When adding a new server, the ADT-Date is now set to the current date instead of 0 which means 1.1.1978, so it's possible to change the date. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] 13.03.2000 internal =================== - After endless and disturbing discussions, I decided to change queue.pmcc to keep the gauge of the transfer queue visible, even if the last file is being transfered and the pagegroup switches to "Queue is empty". [Roland "Perfektionist" Hopfer] 08.03.2000 internal =================== - MUIM_Draw method of cps.pmcc now only draws if MADF_DRAWOBJECT AND MADF_DRAWUPDATE are set instead of every time the draw method was called. - It's now possible to change the format of the filecomments for adt-downloads. [Armin Hübner] - Changed "days" to "weeks" in Aminet-Charts' "Age" column. 05.03.2000 public beta ====================== - Rename window always opened if you downloaded from the additional filelister, because the filename was not correctly taken over from the filelist. Fixed. - After renaming files that couldn't be opened (see above), the trader window wasn't "de-sleeped" again. Fixed. - Added titleclick functionality to the downloadqueue list, so it's now possible to sort the queue by simply clicking on the column-title. 04.03.2000 internal =================== - I have finally checked tetris.pmmc again and found out that it draws outside of MUIM_Draw, which is not allowed. Changed all draws outside of MUIM_Draw to a Mui_Redraw(). Problem was, that I couldn't reproduce any enforcer hits the class seems to have indirectly caused (input.device/ intuition made trouble). [Luca "Hexaae" Longone after bugging me with yet another enforcer hit log ;)] - The status texts regarding sending the rate mail won't be shown any longer if there are no files selected for rating. (changes re 03.03.2000) [Ingo Musquinier] - I've taken the SMTP mail sending stuff into ftp.eclass, to save some memory. - Added Dis/Re-Connect at low speed. This means you can set a min. cps for downloads and if the average cps drops below this cps, the trader will disconnect and reconnect to the server to get a better connection. Have a look at the new register "Transfer" in the ServerManger. CPS-Limit slider also resides in this register from now on. [Michaela Prüß] 03.03.2000 internal =================== - The trader now renames files automatically that are added to the downloadqueue and only differ in their case. So, if you want to download '/pub/misc/readme', '/pub/misc/ReadMe' and '/pub/misc/README', the second filename will become 'ReadMe.1' and the third will be renamed to 'README.2' [Michaela Prüß] - It's now possible to execute/start a Shell-Command/Arexx-Script for every event. It's very easy now to let e.g. a VirusChecker check all downloaded files/archives directly after downloading. (-> Settings/Events/) [Michaela Prüß] - Sorting of the serverlist did not work as it was supposed to, because I did assume the sorthook gets 2 pointers to 2 serverentries but in fact it got 2 pointers to a muis_Listtree_TreeNode struct. [Ingo Musquinier] - As in nearly every release I've also updated the catalogs (never mentioned before I think :)). - Big thanks to Ingo Musquinier. Ingo contributed some code to send mails directly via SMTP, so there's no need for the Arexx script any longer. [Ingo Musquinier] - Changed some colliding (doubly assigned) menu shortcuts in the ServerManager (english catalogs only). [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] - If you were in ADT-Search, opened the settings and clicked use or save, the ADT lister was cleared (because of a settings-changed message) and became ghosted and you had to search again. Fixed. [Ingo Musquinier] 02.03.2000 internal =================== - Added another scrolltext to the about window. BTW, you can stop the fire-effect (to make the scroller a bit faster) by simply clicking on it. This is no new feature but it's not too obvious at first. 01.03.2000 internal =================== - Fixed a bug that made the trader always stop at tries-1 by trying to connect to a server. [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] 29.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Changed the changes. Added all the people that were responsible or involved in some changes/bugfixes (Hope I haven't forgotten anyone) - Updated the german documentation. Will be included in the next full release (to be released sometime during march I think) - Added "download directly by filename" to the Trader. (-> Menu/Action/Download directly by filename) [Ingo Musquinier] - The local directory is read in again after renaming files. [Ingo Musquinier] 28.02.2000 internal =================== - The ServerManager now only gets iconified (if the appropriate option is enabled of course), if no error occured during the trader startup. [Michaela Prüß] 27.02.2000 internal =================== - The trader window only gets opened if no error occured during startup (couldn't open bsdsocket.library etc.), in order to strain the nerves of aga-users not unnecessarily (english, wassat? ;)) [Michaela Prüß] - Added ADT-Rate. It's now possible to rate Aminet files. ATC uses a rexx-script (ATC/Rexx/SendADTRateMail.rexx) which is used to send mails with your favorite mailer. Currently there's only a script for YAM included, because that's the mailer of my choice. [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] - Added new string gadget to the settings to change the ADT-Rate email address. (-> Settings/ADT/ADT Rate Email Address) 27.02.2000 public beta ====================== - It's now possible to let ATC create a backup of the .profiles file at exit. (-> Settings/Misc/Switches) [Michaela Prüß] - Added simple sorting of the serverlist via Conext-Menu (Click right mousebutton over the serverlist) [Michaela Prüß] 26.02.2000 internal =================== - Diskspace-Warn-Requester showed negative and incorrect values if the size was larger than 32bit. Fixed. [Thomas Heinrich] - Required diskspace was not calculated and thus the requester was not opened if the batchlist contained only one entry. - A requester now pops up if you have installed the new NListtree.mcc V18, asking to install a compatible class. [Michaela Prüß] - If the batchlist is empty after a download, it will be closed automatically. [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] - Added another switch to the settings to disable freediskspace calculation. (-> Settings/Transfer/Download & Batch) [Thomas Heinrich] 25.02.2000 internal =================== - Added support for NListtree.mcc V18 but had to deactivate it again, because of some bugs in NListtree.mcc i've encountered (have informed the author). [Michaela Prüß] - Tetris.pmcc now only allocates a bitmap for a temorary rastport, if the OS version is <=39. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] 24.02.2000 internal =================== - Changed some string funcs back to the old ones, because of unsupported format commands. 23.02.2000 internal =================== - After a download the local directory will be read in again. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer] - Status display of local directory wasn't refreshed after reading a directory (number of files/dirs etc). Fixed. - Another small speed up while reading the local directory (replaced string funcs with faster ones). - Also new string funcs in adt.pmcc and dirlist.pmcc. Please report any problems that might be the result of the new string funcs (distorted/random contents in string gadgets). - Added updated installerscript (by Ingo Musquinier). This script now handles beta releases as well as normal distribution releases, so there's no need for two separate scripts anymore. Furthermore the script also checks for the .adtfilter config and does not overwrite an already present adtfilter. [Ingo Musquinier] - Local dirlist still showed entries more than once (I assume MUIM_Application_PushMethod doesn't work correctly). Added a workaround for MUIM_Application_PushMethod (simulated pushmethod via messages). [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] - Switched asynchronous to synchronous message passing (readdirtask->trader), to have less fragmentation (no need to allocate/free memory for every message sent) and less copying of dirlist data. 22.02.2000 public beta 2 ======================== - ADT: Downloading and viewing of .readme's and the Aminet MOTD was broken in the first beta. Fixed. [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] - The protection bits are now also shown in the color of the whole entry. - Sometimes entries were shown more than once in the local dirlist. Fixed. [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] 22.02.2000 public beta ====================== - The trader now starts an additional task for asynchronous reading of the local directory. (Speedup, nonblocking GUI while reading large dirs) [Jeff Klein gave the final push to implement it] 21.02.2000 internal =================== - Wrapped poslist (remembering of selected entries) stuff into an eclass. - At least set a stack for tetris.pmcc (how could i have forgotten?) - Increased stacksize for AmiTradeCenter (exe), because of problems when opening the MUI Prefs. 20.02.2000 public beta ====================== - From now on, it is impossible to upload when in ADT mode. - Changed ADT Filter and ADT Highlight to also use memorypools. - Exchanged "Select" and "Download" button in ADT mode to make the GUI more logical (compared to FTP mode) when in dual lister mode. - Changed the way tetris.pmcc checks for graphics.library version (to decide whether to use WCP() (OS3.1) or WPL8() (OS3.0)) [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] 19.02.2000 internal =================== - The bars in the ADT-lister (sort by date, Charts) are no longer considered for calculating the lister information. A false status was displayed before. - ADT-lister information now shows how many files have been hidden because of ADT-Filter. - Changed some internals regarding drag'n'drop in dirlist.pmcc and adt.pmcc. - Had to change the .profiles file format because of problems caused by fields (password, dirnames, etc) that could contain commas. The .profiles file will be converted as soon as you save the profiles the first time with this version. [David Erman] 18.02.2000 public beta ====================== - I've finally killed some very nasty bugs in private mcc's (dirlist.pmcc, adt.pmcc and xfer.pmcc). These classes removed additional classes (created by these classes) during OM_DISPOSE. [Sascha Glade pointed in the right direction, Jeff German made me to take a closer look finally] - ADT: ADT-Filter added. You are now able to choose which directories will be shown and which will be hidden. (Settings/ADT/ADT Filter) 17.02.2000 internal =================== - Recursive downloading was not possible anymore due to a messed up internal struct (changes re 12.02.2000). Fixed. - Added "Skip All" button to the download rename window. 16.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Should also run on OS3.0 now. 15.02.2000 internal =================== - Added a link button to the about window. Clicking this button will get you to the ATC homepage (using openurl.library) [Torsten "ToDi" Ketelsen] 14.02.2000 internal =================== - Added an option to switch single lister mode on/off for each serverentry from the ServerManager (Advanced Settings). - Removed a check for ProFTP in ftp.eclass (switched PASV off for this server automatically). Now works with ProFTP and firewalls. [David Scheibler] - Tetris now auto-pauses (when a game is running) if you click outside its window. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] - Now shows the protection bits of each entry in the remote lister. [David Scheibler] - Added support for CHMOD (if you don't know what its good for, leave your hands off it) [David Scheibler] 13.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Fixed a bug in adt.pmcc that could have caused software failures in some rare situations. 12.02.2000 internal =================== - ADT-Mode now uses the same lister for the local directory as in FTP-Mode, so you're able to switch between single lister and dual lister mode in ADT-Mode, too. - Added "Abort" and "Skip" buttons to the download rename window. - You can now select a new downloadpath in the download rename window. [Erdey] - The remote directory is no longer read in twice after an upload. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer] 11.02.2000 internal =================== - Help bubbles of the settings window displayed garbage after the window was closed and opened again. Fixed. [Luca "Hexaae" Longone] 10.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Fixed a memory bug in internal listhandling. 09.02.2000 internal =================== - It was possible to start several tradertasks for one and the same server entry by repeatedly hitting the connect button before it got finally ghosted. This caused multiple tradertasks for the selected server entry, which, in particular, had done no good... - download queue: removed the vertical titlebar between date and time - Set default patternmatching columns for ADT (not highlighting) to Filename and Shortcomment instead of Date. 08.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Removed the testfunction from "Add Group" button (cleared the serverlist), sorry for this (was introduced in 07.02.2000 public beta). [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] - Added new menuitem "MUI..." to the settings-menu of the trader. [RUiNa] - You have to set the balance-gadgets (Trader) again (only when using betterbalance.mcc), because i had to change the MUI_Object_ID's of both balance-gadgets. - Added patternmatching by column. This enables you to specifically search for patterns in any column of the listview. See "select" button. [BKJ] 07.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Iconification/Deiconification of all traders from the ATC mainmenu did not work. Fixed. - Removed a bug that caused name collisions of the tasknames if several Tradertasks have been started fast consecutively. - Reworked single lister mode. Single lister mode now shows the complete local listview and buttons if you click on the popup button. - Fixed some bugs in the internal serverlistclass. Setup/Cleanup/Penallocation Methods were doing strange things. 06.02.2000 internal =================== - Now offers a single lister mode in FTP-Mode. See Trader->Menu/Settings/Listermode [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] - Added a new event: File already exists. This event will be invoked if a file is already on the local harddrive and the requester opens. [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] - Added another memorypool for internal data such as pathlists and batchlists that each server entry contains. - The Trader now sends the termination-msg to the ServerManager at a later time. Could have caused lockups before if it was timed correctly. - Catalog/Doc updated 06.02.2000 public beta ====================== - The reconnect-delay value of an running server entry was not taken over if changed. This has been fixed. - Deiconification (events) worked only, if the checkbox for the signal had also been set. - Download-Ready event won't be played any longer at the end of an batchdownload if the Batchdownload-Ready event is also set for playing. (same for Upload-Ready and Batchupload-Ready) [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] - Removed a bug at the title-strings for events in the prefs (deiconify and signal where exchanged). - Size/Position of the additional filelist window in adt-mode can now be fixed. (worked already in ftp-mode) [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] - Now uses MUIV_NList_Font_Little for the ftp-log list. [Detlef Wojtaszkiewicz] 05.02.2000 public beta ====================== - Removed a bug in listhandling of the server-manager which caused ATC to crash heavily. Crash occured while removing groups which still contained connected servers.